Before I was a mom, I thought getting up at 7:30 am was early. Now I think it's sleeping in.
Before I was mom, I could choose when I wanted to do things. Now I change dirty diapers five minutes after waking up, whether or not I am fully awake or remotely ready for it.
Before I was a mom, I had my own mom to do my laundry. Now, if I don't do the laundry, it doesn't get done. It just piles up in our basement. If it starts to creeps up the stairs, that's when I know things are getting desperate.
Before I was a mom, I could read a book for hours, and sometimes finish a book in one day. Now I consider it a good day if I have a chance to read an entire paragraph in one sitting.
Before I was mom, I went to sleepovers and stayed up til dawn, got only three hours of sleep and thought it was fun. Now if I go to bed past midnight I know my kids will still be up at 6:30 and I will be grumpy and no one will have fun.
Before I was a mom, I didn't really have to think about anyone except myself. Now, at all times I have four other people (including my husband) to think about besides me. And that's a good thing.
Before I was a mom, I thought my mom was wrong. Now I know she's right.
Before I was a mom, I hated that Aaron had to go to work because seeing him just those few hours each evening just didn't seem like enough. Now I am thankful for one evening completely alone with him once in a while. I have learned that quality is better than quantity.
Before I was a mom, I liked getting presents (okay, I still do), but now I realize that the most precious gifts I will ever receive are the little ones that I get to hold in my arms, that ask me to kiss their owies, and that I tuck in at night.
And before I was a mom, I would have never written anything so sappy. But now I do. (With all the testosterone in my house, somebody's got to be sappy.)
LOVE the sap....